Desaix Anderson was the first American charge d’affairs to Vietnam when diplomatic relations were reestablished in 1995 after a hiatus of almost twenty years. His role was to meet, analyse, report on, and influence the policy-level leaders of Vietnam as well as those officials responsible for executing those policies. His insights into the Vietnamese leadership and their thinking are a key feature of this book.
An American in Hanoi
America's Reconciliation with Vietnam
Desaix Anderson
March 2002 | 296 pages
$24.99 (paperback) | ISBN
$44.99 (hardback) | ISBN
Also available from:
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About the Author
Zi Zhongyun is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and former director of the Institute. A graduate of Qinghua University, she is one of China’s outstanding scholars of international relations, American studies, and U.S.-China relations.
“Recommended.” Choice April 2004 Vol. 41 No. 8 G. Zheng, Angelo State University
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